IBJ Clinical Pharmacology

IBJ Clinical Pharmacology publica artigos originais, revisões, casos clínicos, etc., na área da Farmacologia Clínica, incluindo farmacocinética, farmacodinamia, farmacometría, monitorização, terapêutica de fármacos, toxicologia, farmacogenética, farmacoterapia, terapia celular e génica, farmacoepidemiologia, estudo da utilização de medicamentos, farmacoeconomia, regulação de medicamentos. São de especial interesse os ensaios clínicos, estudos translacionais e estudos colaborativos nacionais e internacionais.

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Protocol: Kounis syndrome secondary to heparin in a newborn with hypoplastic left heart.

Protocol: Kounis syndrome secondary to heparin in a newborn with hypoplastic left heart.

Año: 2020 Volumen: 1 Edición: 1 Número: e0015

Palabras clave : Kounis syndrome, newborn, adverse drug reaction, coronary artery spasm.

Kounis syndrome (KS) is an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) described in relationship with drugs or stents. KS was suspected in a full-term newborn who underwent a Rashkind-atrioseptostomy and stenting that periodically developed episodes of ACS.

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Protocol: Gentamicin serum concentrations after reinfusion of blood in patients undergoing arthroplasty with gentamicin-loaded bone cement.

Protocol: Gentamicin serum concentrations after reinfusion of blood in patients undergoing arthroplasty with gentamicin-loaded bone cement.

Año: 2020 Volumen: 1 Edición: 1 Número: e0014

Palabras clave : Gentamicin, arthroplasty, bone cements, blood, reinfusion.

Cement is sometimes applied to fix prostheses during arthroplasty. The cement can contain antibiotics for prophylaxis or treatment of joint infection. Gentamicin in cement is released gradually into its surroundings and can reach toxic concentrations in recovered blood.

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Protocolo: Utility of a computer tool for detection of potentially inappropriate medications in older patients in a tertiary hospital.

Protocolo: Utility of a computer tool for detection of potentially inappropriate medications in older patients in a tertiary hospital.

Año: 2020 Volumen: 1 Edición: 1 Número: e0013

Palabras clave : CheckTheMeds®, Potentially Inappropriate Prescribing, STOPP – START, Beers, PRISCUS

As we believe it is an important problem in our environment, we determined the prevalence of potentially inappropriate medications (PIM) using the STOPP/START, Beers and PRISCUS criteria, and also determined the clinical variables related to the prescription of PIMs in older adults.

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Protocol: A randomized clinical trial to evaluate two guidelines for the administration of ibuprofen in the treatment of echo-guided persistent ductus arteriosus.

Protocol: A randomized clinical trial to evaluate two guidelines for the administration of ibuprofen in the treatment of echo-guided persistent ductus arteriosus.

Year: 2019 Volume: 1 Issue: 1 Number: e0012

Palabras clave :Ductus arteriosus, ibuprofen, necrotizing enterocolitis, echocardiography.

Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a common condition of preterm infants and it is associated to significant morbidity and mortality. The best therapeutic option for PDA closure remains controversial.

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Case report: La importancia de la información de seguridad en las fichas técnicas: a propósito de un caso.

Case report: La importancia de la información de seguridad en las fichas técnicas: a propósito de un caso.

Año: 2017 Volumen: 1 Edición: 1 Número: e0010

Palabras clave : DRESS, pseudolinfoma, fenitoína, reacción adversa a medicamento, RAM, ficha técnica.

La información sobre la seguridad de un medicamento está recogida en la ficha técnica, en el apartado “4.8 Reacciones Adversas” (RA) y es de gran importancia para los profesionales sanitarios.

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Protocolo: Pharmacokinetic characterization of the population with hemophilia A in Spain, using an online medical application based on a published population model and a Bayesian algorithm.

Protocolo: Pharmacokinetic characterization of the population with hemophilia A in Spain, using an online medical application based on a published population model and a Bayesian algorithm.

Año: 2017 Volumen: 1 Edición: 1 Número: e0009

Palabras clave : Pharmacokinetic, hemophilia, online medical aplication, Bayesian algorithm.

The main objective of this prospective observational study is to describe the pharmacokinetic profile of patients with hemophilia A in prophylaxis with Advate® in Spain using myPKFiT®.

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Protocolo: Phase IIIb, open label randomised clinical trial to compare pain relief between methoxyflurane and standard of care for treating patients with trauma pain in Spanish Emergency Units (InMEDIATE): Study protocol.

Protocolo: Phase IIIb, open label randomised clinical trial to compare pain relief between methoxyflurane and standard of care for treating patients with trauma pain in Spanish Emergency Units (InMEDIATE): Study protocol.

Año: 2017 Volumen: 1 Edición: 1 Número: e0008

Palabras clave : Methoxyflurane, Inhaled anesthetic, Inhaled analgesic, Sedation, Traumatic pain, Emergency units.

Despite advances in treatments for acute pain with new medications and development of widely accepted guidelines, inadequate assessment and management of acute pain still remain major problems in prehospital settings and emergency departments.

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Protocolo: Acute and chronic paracetamol overdose in paediatric population: Protocol of a prospective study of cohort to evaluate clinic factor and biomarkers to predict development of hepatotoxicity.

Protocolo: Acute and chronic paracetamol overdose in paediatric population: Protocol of a prospective study of cohort to evaluate clinic factor and biomarkers to predict development of hepatotoxicity.

Año: 2017 Volumen: 1 Edición: 1 Número: e0007

Palabras clave :Paracetamol, overdose, toxicity, hepatotoxicity, acute liver failure, paediatric population, biomarkers, pharmacokinetics, pharmacogenetics, metabolomics.

In Spain, 30% of cases of acute liver failure remaining undetermined. Paracetamol is the main drug causing acute liver failure in children of some countries like the United States, UK and other European countries.

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